Each of our ADR schemes has a unique set of scheme rules which provide details of how the scheme operates and the rules of operation. These can be accessed below.
- AviationADR Scheme Rules (6468 downloads )
- CommsADR Scheme Rules (2758 downloads )
- UtilitiesADR-Scheme-Rules-November-2021.docx (4725 downloads )
- RetailADR-Scheme-Rules-November-2021.docx (5707 downloads )
- Consumer-arbitration-scheme-rules-November-21.pdf (4165 downloads )
- RetailADR-Conflict-of-Interest-Policy.pdf (1590 downloads )
- UtilitiesADR-Conflict-of-Interest-Policy.pdf (1414 downloads )
In addition, all of the CDRL ADR schemes abide by The Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015 (as Amended). In particular please note the following key facts which apply to all CDRL ADR schemes:
- CDRL can accept and conduct claims in the following languages
- English
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Polish
- Italian
- Dutch
- Our determinations are based on i) on the facts and evidence provided by both parties ii) on what is fair and reasonable in the circumstances and iii) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. When making a decision we also apply the following principles:
- Who has the ‘burden of proof’ – meaning which party, in law, must prove its case (for example, with flight delay compensation claims it is the airline that must prove that the consumer does not have a claim); and
- Which parties position is ‘more likely than not to be correct’ (known as the ‘balance of probabilities’ test).
- Consumers can withdraw their complaint from the alternative dispute resolution procedure at any time;
- With the exception of Consumer Arbitration, there is no cost to the consumer in relation to our ADR schemes, regardless of the outcome. Consumers must pay an application fee in relation to Consumer Arbitration, as set out on the Consumer Arbitration page on this website;
- Our ADR schemes are conducted in writing only. No oral representations are permitted.
- CDRL will notify the parties of the outcome of the ADR procedure on a durable medium and provide a Final Determination / Arbitral Award (as appropriate) containing the grounds on which the outcome is based.”