Find out when you will be able to fly
If your flight has been delayed or cancelled, try to find out when your airline will be able to fly you to your destination. You can ask at the airport, check the airline’s website (often the quickest way) or call them.
Dealing with delayed or cancelled flights
According to the CAA ‘ If your flight has been delayed or cancelled, try to find out when your airline will be able to fly you to your destination. You can ask at the airport, check the airline’s website (often the quickest way) or call them.
If your flight has been cancelled with then than 7 days before departure you could be entitled to compensation of up to €600*.
Decide whether you still want to fly
If you are a transfer passenger, you are also entitled to a flight back to your original departure point.
Once you decide to take a refund or to travel later than the first available flight, your airline has no obligation to provide you with food, drink or accommodation. If you are on a package holiday and you decide not to travel on your outbound flight, you may lose your holiday too.
If you have been delayed for more than 5 (five) hours and no longer wish to travel, then you are entitled to a refund.
Your airline must get you there
If you still want to fly, then your airline must get you to your destination. You might have to be patient while they rearrange flights and rebook passengers, but the law says they must get you there.
Sometimes airlines may advise you to make alternative travel arrangements, then claim back the cost later. If you do this, try to keep costs down as much as you can, keep receipts and record the name of the person giving this advice. Book with the same airline if possible.
Keep as much evidence as you can
You may be entitled to compensation if your flight is severely delayed, so keep as much evidence of the delay as you can. Keep boarding cards and other documents too.
If you think you will need to claim expenses from your airline, get a full receipt (not just a credit card slips) for everything. If a member of airline staff told you to make your own arrangements, note who said this, when and where. Also, ask them to put a note on your booking to this effect.