Ryanair Complaints – How to complain about a Ryanair flight?
Do you have an issue with a RyanAir product or service? It could revolve around a RyanAir flight cancellation, a delay of more than three hours, or a case of misplaced or damaged luggage. Or it could simply be an encounter with unsatisfactory customer service. If you’ve already lodged a complaint with RyanAir sans any resolution, our effective ‘airline’ complaint form is all set to forward your complaint process. AviationADR is approved by the Civil Aviation Authority (the aviation regulator) to operate as an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body for aviation consumers.
What to do if your Ryanair flight is cancelled or delayed?
If this is the case, and you have already complained to the airline, you can use our ‘airline’ complaint form to get your complaint process started. Please note to lodge a claim against Ryanair, the flight must have either departed from, or arrived in, Spain.