CDRL have contacted passengers that have used the CDRL ADR scheme and asked for their opinion of their experience.
Between October 2018 and March 2019, a total of 316 passengers have completed our survey.
How easy was it to lodge your complaint?
- % Very easy
- % Fairly easy
- % Neither/nor
- % Fairly difficult
- % Very difficult
- % Very easy
- % Fairly easy
- % Neither/nor
- % Fairly difficult
- % Very difficult
Did you understand the complaint process, including what happens next & the time it will take to process?
- % Yes
- Two
- % Yes
- Two
How have you found the experience during the initial process?
- % Very satisfied
- % Fairly satisfied
- % Neither/nor
- % Fairly dissatisfied
- % Very dissatisfied
- % Very satisfied
- % Fairly satisfied
- % Neither/nor
- % Fairly dissatisfied
- % Very dissatisfied
Was the determination in your favour?
- % Yes
- % No
- % Yes
- % No
Cases in favour of the Passenger:
Cases in favour of the Airline:
Did you feel the determination was clear and easy to understand?
- % Yes
- % No
- % Yes
- % No
Did you feel the determination was clear and easy to understand?
- % Yes
- % No
- % Yes
- % No
How satisfied were you with the decision?
- % Yes
- % No
- % Yes
- % No
How satisfied were you with the decision?
- % Yes
- % No
- % Yes
- % No